There are fourteen Power to the People stations spread throughout the game, and each will allow you just one upgrade to a weapon of your choice. Addweaponstatupgrade RivetGun Damage (rivetgun “power to the people” upgrade) Addweaponstatupgrade RivetGun IgnitionDamage (rivetgun “power to the people” upgrade) Addweaponstatupgrade RivetGun MagazineSize (rivetgun “power to the people” upgrade) Similar Posts: BioShock 2 Remastered Item ID List There are only 12 of them throughout the game. In the Maintenance Access area (which is through the door at the east end of the carousel room). It’s near the start of the level, in the corridor beyond the area with the overturned clock. In this video I cover each power to the people weapon upgrade station thoroughly so you can find them easily. Upgrade a weapon at any of the Power to the People stations in Bioshock 2. Pauper's Drop: From Journal 039, go out the door, down the stairs. Each station allows for only a single enhancement. Inner Persephone: When you have gained access to Sinclair, look back in the room. However, you can always find room in your inventory for a bullet reflecting drill, an electric pulse shotgun and even a cluster grenade launcher. IGN Complete, IGN Tue, - 6:59pm BioShock 2 (X360)Bioshock 2. The sequel to 2K Games' popular first-person action-adventure.

© Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. You’ll need to shoot a Hack Dart at the Door Control Panel visible through the window at the northeast end of the Test Subject Surgery area and hack the door open to get to it. 31.9% Rare: 44.00% Uncommon: Savior Saved every Little Sister and spared Grace, Stanley and Gil. Doing so will release two Alphas, so be ready for a fight. Drop through the hole in the kitchen storage room to reach the weapon upgrade station on the first floor. 31.5% Rare: 44.00% Uncommon: Reunion Reunited with your original Little Sister. (1) Fully Upgraded a Weapon: Installed the third upgrade to a weapon. Inner Persephone: Just after Ward B in the room with the rocket turret. Proceed through the door straight ahead to find the station.

Bioshock 2 hidden mechanics, plasmid costs, damage settings. In the room along the corridor leading up to Simon Wales’ church. The last one is located in inner Persephone in Ward B. in the tubes leading from Cohens collection to Ocean Entrance. Upgraded a weapon at a Power to the People Station. There are 14 Power to the People weapon upgrade stations total.
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BioShock 2 Find All 14 Power to the People Station Locations Complete Guide This guide will help you to find all 14 Power to the People stations in the game. Here is a list of the most usefull cheat codes to beat the trials in Bioshock 2 and earn easily the achievements. Head up the stairs to the second floor and shoot a Hack Dart at the Door Control panel visible through the kitchen window. BIOSHOCK 2 All the location of the power to the people machines Weapon Upgrade Stations 01 Ryan Amusements - Going to get the ticket, pretty hard to miss 02 Ryan Amusements - After the family display, through the door 03 Pauper's Drop - From Journal 039 go out door, down stairs 10.